Category: gre

  • How Long Should a GRE Essay be?

    Usually, if someone is asked what they got on the GRE, it’s normal to address your Verbal and Quantitative score. If written out, some people won’t even take the time to write something along the lines of “156 Verbal, 158 Quantitative.” They will simply use V and Q to denote the sections. Many test-takers tend…

  • How Long Should You Prepare for the GRE?

    How long to prepare for the GRE is an essential question. There are very few activities in life where we do not have to answer similar questions. Can you imagine going on a backpacking trip without figuring out how long you will be gone for prior to leaving? You could run out of food and…

  • How to Study for GRE Vocab

    The GRE has two big monsters that most of us fear when we think about taking the exam: mathematical formulas and obscure vocabulary words. Preparing for the Verbal Reasoning section and all of the potential unknown words can feel daunting.  In this article we will discuss how to study for GRE vocab efficiently. You want…

  • Best GRE Test Prep Books

    I absolutely love food. My dad has always said I need to make sure I marry someone who has the budget to feed me. However, I don’t just want any food, I have a deep desire to eat authentic cuisine. Sure, I can get tacos at Chipotle, but will it really compare to eating them…

  • What is the gre

    Last week, my little sister had a career advisor guest speak in her undergraduate psychology class. He asked the students, “Who knows what the GRE is?” She was the only one who raised her hand. When I found out, I definitely had a proud big sister moment. This situation clearly demonstrates how common the question,…

  • Which Is Easier: GMAT or GRE?

    The twenty first century is one of options. Think about the number of options most of us have just to go out on a Friday night: we can drive a car, call an Uber, or hop on a scsooter that can likely be found on the nearest corner. The Economist just released an article about…

  • Which Law Schools Accept the GRE?

    We live in a time of constant change. Everywhere you look, what was once the norm is evolving to be more inclusive and the admission exams accepted by universities are no exception. Just as MBA programs are starting to accept GRE scores in lieu of GMAT scores, some law schools are accepting GRE scores in…

  • Best GRE Prep Courses

    The GRE isn’t easy, nor is finding the best GRE prep course. There are so many options, comparing all of them can feel as complex as a critical reading passage filled with words you wouldn’t even know were in the English language. However, if looking at the bigger picture (as any good reader should) you…

  • Kaplan gre prep review

    Kaplan is one of the most well known test prep companies, offering preparation services for almost any entrance or licensing exam–even Driver’s Ed–across the globe. They have tutored millions of students since 1938, when Stanley Kaplan first started teaching in the basement of his parents’ Brooklyn home.

  • Manhattan Prep vs. Kaplan GRE

    The topic of standardized tests might seem a bit dull, but within the test prep industry it is nothing of the sort. The battle amongst the biggest and most well-known test prep companies is real, and those leading the charge are Manhattan Prep and Kaplan. Both companies have books, online programs, and private GRE tutoring…