Tag: kaplan

  • What Type of Questions Are on the LSAT?

    The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) consists of approximately 101 questions which are split into four sections: two sections of Logical Reasoning, one section of Logic Games, and one section of Reading Comprehension. There is also a fifth, unscored section called the Experimental Section, which will be another of the aforementioned section types.   Each section…

  • What is a Good LSAT Score for Harvard?

    Law School Admission Test (LSAT) scores range from a low of 120 to a high of 180. If you hope to gain admission to Harvard Law School, you almost certainly need a score in the 170s, which is in the top 2% of LSAT takers. The average student enrolled at Harvard Law has achieved a…

  • What Is the LSAT Scored Out Of?

    The LSAT (Law School Admission Test) is scored from a low of 120 to a high of 180, with an average score of 150. However, LSAT scoring is not as simple as it appears. In reality, the test furnishes three metrics by which to measure success–a scaled score, a raw score, and a percentile rank–and…

  • What Is on the LSAT?

    The LSAT (Law School Admission Test) is comprised of three different section types: Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, and Analytical Reasoning (popularly called Logic Games). Students get 35 minutes to complete each section. Your score will be determined from your performance on two Logical Reasoning sections, one Reading Comprehension section, and one Analytical Reasoning section. There…

  • What Is a Good LSAT Score?

    The LSAT (Law School Admission Test) is scored from a low of 120 to a high of 180, with an average score of 150. In very general terms, 160 is considered a “good” score, 165 is considered a “great” score, and 170+ is considered an “exceptional” score.

  • What Does “LSAT” Stand for?

    In short, “LSAT” stands for “Law School Admission Test.” But simply knowing the words that follow the acronym isn’t quite enough to understand what the LSAT is. Below is some background information on the LSAT, why it’s important, and how it’s evolving.

  • Manhattan Prep Online LSAT Course Review

    As a professional LSAT tutor, I’ve had the opportunity to review dozens of the most popular online LSAT preparation courses. This one is called Manhattan Prep Interact, and it’s most certainly one of the best. Let’s chat about this course’s features and style, as well as its pros and cons.

  • Magoosh LSAT Online Course Review

    I recently had the opportunity to try out the Magoosh online LSAT preparation course. With so many options for online LSAT prep, it’s often difficult to figure out which is best for you. As a professional LSAT tutor, I hope to shed some light on how the Magoosh course is set up, the resources it…

  • Kaplan Online LSAT Course Review

    I recently had the opportunity to explore Kaplan’s LSAT Self-Paced Online Course. I’ve been teaching, tutoring, and preparing students for the LSAT for over ten years, and I know that there are many options for online test prep. As such, I hope to shed a little light on what you can expect from Kaplan’s Self-Paced…

  • How to Study for the LSAT

    So you want to go to law school? Excellent choice. You will be challenged, vexed, and overwhelmed, but you’ll come out of the experience with a better understanding of the world and the way it works. Of course, there’s a huge hurdle between you and your law school dreams: the LSAT.